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Julien Rubat in his studio at Vermont Studio Center in 2022

Julien Rubat, born in Chambéry, France in 1980, is a visual artist working on large scale paintings using layers of paper and acrylic on canvas.

He graduated in information technology and started a career which led him to travel extensively and live in Paris, San Francisco and then Los Angeles, California. After deciding to pursue his lifelong passion for art professionally, he moved back to his childhood home in the French Alps where he now resides and works.

Julien Rubat employs a non-representational, formal approach to painting focused on line, color, and composition. The intricate, almost calligraphic body of work create a sense of movement and depth, with layers of paint and collaged paper elements adding rich textural complexity. The various marks and textured surface convey a sense of energy and movement, with the amorphous shapes suggesting geological or organic formations.

While operating within the realm of abstract painting, Rubat’s work displays an awareness of art historical precedents, such as the gestural abstraction of the abstract expressionists and the materiality emphasized by process artists. However, his unique approach to layering and his pursuit of immersive, large-scale compositions position his practice as a contemporary exploration of abstraction’s enduring possibilities.